(2016, single channel video)
Shot on the seventy-seventh floor apartment of one of New York City’s many Trump Towers, BROKER is a meticulous portrayal of a high end real estate broker, seen here as the physical embodiment of the constantly accelerating pitch of luxury merchandising. The film uses the architecture of the apartment to create an echo chamber of life style messages - messages which present an increasingly homogeneous (yet bespoke) utopian world for those with the means to buy it.

(2019, video)
A film work of cinematic scale, Cleaner traces the creative awakening of a maintenance worker. Her movements are framed within the routines of manual labor yet set against the work environment of the tech economy.
Postmasters Gallery, New York, December 7, 2019
Horror Chase
(2002, 2023)
This work is based on the climatic chase sequence from Evil Dead II. The artists re-enact the scene on a specially designed stage set. Each shot in the sequence is individually digitized. Custom computer software selects these clips at random, playing them back in a seamless but continuously variable way, changing the speed and direction of play. The images are projected at cinematic scale and the computer hardware is installed in a black briefcase, which forms part of the installation

The Discovery of Freedom
A collaged landscape of images from DeSmet, SD, this video is a winter portrait of the site of the famous Laura Ingalls Wilder "Little House on the Prarie". In this work the stark landscape of Wilder's youth is juxtaposed with the architecture of the rural industrial present in the town near the homestead site. 15:22
(2011, video, 49:00)
In this 49 minute video, Mussafah, the camera takes a journey through the manufacturing zone of Abu Dhabi. Far from the glittering skyscrapers and beaches, Mussafah is the place in Abu Dhabi to fix motors, to bend aluminum, to produce tangible material goods. It is the "back of the shop", literally the place where the advertising signs are printed. Using a slow tracking shot, the McCoy's video allows the eye to take in the details of this environment with all its complexity.